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Infórmese sobre los derechos de su hijo.

Infórmese sobre el sistema de educación especial.

¡TIGER esta aceptando nuevas solicitudes para el nuevo ciclo del 2024-2025!
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Entrenar a Individuos para Reformar la Educación desde la Base (acrónimo en inglés es TIGER) es un programa práctico, de abogacía auto defensiva diseñado y enseñado por Learning Rights, para poner en las manos de las familias que las necesitan, las herramientas necesarias para tener éxito al abogar por si mismas dentro del sistema de educación. Desde 2005, hemos ayudado a más de 2, 500 familias que viven en comunidades marginadas del punto de vista económico en el condado de Los Angeles, incluso Downey, el Centro de Los Angeles, el este de Los Angeles, Long Beach, el Valle de San Gabriel (El Monte), el Valle de San Fernando (Pacoima), el Sur de Los Angeles (Watts) y Whittier. 

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El proyecto básico de TIGER es el entrenamiento que ofrecen para Principiantes en abogacía dentro del sistema de  educación especial. Las familias se reúnen una vez por mes durante 11 meses y reciben instrucción de defensores, abogados y profesionales. Cada padre recibe una copia gratuita del Manual de Herramientas para Educación Especial de Learning Rights Law Center así como entrenamiento, apoyo, y recursos necesarios para abogar por sus hijos de manera colaborativa y no antagonista.

TIGER Transitions, Supports, and Services with SCDD

This class is intended to complement knowledge of special education and advocacy learned in TIGER Know Your Rights. Participants will review concepts related to special education laws and services while also gaining a broader understanding of general systems affecting individuals with disabilities (beyond education), how to maneuver those systems effectively, and how to plan for their child(ren)’s future. Special emphasis will be paid to youth transitioning out of special education services to adulthood. Concurrent enrollment in other TIGER courses is permitted. This series of TIGER classes is taught in partnership with the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD).



This series of modules is intended as a supplement to TIGER Know Your Rights and TIGER Services and Supports with SCDD. TIGER Plus is meant to expand parent/caregiver knowledge, understanding and skills of advocacy as related to their children’s education and disability rights. 

TIGER Enrichment Classes

In addition to the TIGER core classes, TIGER also hosts a series of “enrichment” classes and events for parents with children in the special education system. While TIGER core classes inform parents about the legal structure and legal rights rooted in the U.S. educational system, the enrichment classes offer parents a practical understanding of the disabilities affecting their children. TIGER enrichment classes are taught by educational consultant, Mariana Lenero Solar. Her popular series of classes include “Understanding Disability” and “Understanding Assessments.” 


Learning Rights Law Center

1625 W. Olympic Blvd., Ste. 500

Los Angeles, CA 90015


LRLC is a (501)(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Tax ID # 83-0434929 

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